If you notice some condensation in certain parts of your home, such as on windows, for instance, this should alert you to a greater problem that needs your attention. This is because excessive moisture accumulation can lead to the growth of mildew, which is toxic for your health.

Beyond this, a growing moisture problem can also cause significant damage to your hardwood floors, or whatever type of flooring you have. Additionally, if you spot wet stains on your walls, or if you’ve noticed a paint peel in an area of your home, this is a sign that the moisture level in your home is too high. Getting rid of dampness and other moisture problems in your home isn’t difficult. To prove this, here are a couple of things you can do to get the situation under control.

Hire a professional restoration expert


Once you notice some signs of condensation in your home, the first thing you should do is hire a professional to assess the damage. Before proceeding to offer damp proofing solutions, a professional restoration company will first conduct a series of probes to establish the cause of the penetrating moisture (poorly sealed windows, leaking pipes). After this, they’ll then proceed to carry out the proper repairs to prevent any water damage.

After they’ve contained the source of the moisture, they’ll then proceed to treat the damaged area with the necessary products to ensure that there are no persisting issues such as toxic air or rot.

Opt for high-vinyl plank flooring

If you’re looking to replace your home’s flooring, the different kinds of flooring options can feel overwhelming. These days, lifetime vinyl plank flooring is growing in popularity among homeowners mainly due to its waterproof nature. Vinyl planks can be used in any part of the home, but are most ideal for use in high-moisture areas such as basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. With luxury vinyl plank flooring, you don’t need to worry about spills and leaks ruining your floors.

Luxury vinyl planks are waterproof, scratch-resistant, and have a textured surface that feels just like hardwood. This is a real upgrade: Better than wood floors with the warmth and style that wood brings. Replacing your hardwood floors is even easier these days, thanks to online flooring stores that allow you to order free flooring samples online before making a commitment to install new flooring.

Ensure that your windows are energy efficient


If you have single-glazed windows, you’ll notice that they’re more susceptible to condensation in the wintertime. The reason for this is the fact that the only thing keeping your home insulated from the outdoor temperature is a single pane of glass. Double or multi-glazed windows are a better and more energy-efficient option to prevent condensation because the sealed space between the glass panes is filled with gas. In some cases, this space can even be a vacuum, and it works by reducing the transfer of heat so that the outermost glass pane keeps cool while the inner pane keeps close to the temperature indoors.

If you have condensation between your double-glazed window panes it means the gas inside the panes has escaped. This could also mean that air has got in through a damaged seal. To prevent further moisture damage, have an expert window installer replace your windows for you.

Cover your pots when cooking


As you cook, make it a habit to always cover your pans with their respective lids to avoid any moisture from escaping into the atmosphere. If possible, also ensure that you’re using your extractor hood or fan when cooking. These fixtures provide a great solution to reducing the moisture produced when cooking.