As our lives become more dependent on technology, we actually become more and more vulnerable to cyber threats. Think about it—how many of your passwords are saved within your browser? Do you engage in banking on your phone? How about signing documents over email or speaking with healthcare providers over Zoom? From getting prescriptions for medication on a smartphone app to perusing reviews of surgeons to perform spine surgery, we are constantly using various devices to move our lives forward.

The impact of this on our overall security is pretty dire and can be seen in the ways in which cyber crime impacts individuals, as well as huge organizations. The more connections we build over the internet, the more we need to brace ourselves for the waves of cyber threats that are certainly on their way to us. From business phishing scams that send you a notice about an invoice that never was to malware embedded in innocent-looking emails, the dangers are out there.

All this is to say that getting certification as a cyber security professional is the first step towards a highly rewarding career path. Passing that exam will allow you to protect innocent folks from theft. To learn a little more about how cyber security job roles can be rewarding, read on.

Protect patients who are trying to make a full recovery.


Whatever type of surgery or medical treatment a patient needs, they deserve to be safe from having sensitive information stolen by malware attacks. As a cyber security professional who has passed the Cisco CCNA exam, you will know that you’re keeping people safe as they do their best to make a full recovery from various health-related challenges.

Whether that means ensuring the security of information stored on a physical therapist’s computer or making sure that an orthopedic surgeon is using HIPAA-compliant software, you can be the one who helps patients focus on their recovery process. Instead of worrying about malware and phishing scams, they’ll be reviewing a cervical neck surgery recovery guide and learning about pain medication or other tactics to manage their discomfort. Think how rewarding it will be to provide that peace of mind to someone who is already in pain.

Keep job seekers safe from phishing scams.

Cyber criminals love to hang out on LinkedIn, Indeed, and other job sites, just waiting to scam unemployed people out of their money. In fact, the surge in unemployed individuals in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a proliferation of these scams, with scammers encouraging job seekers to buy thousands of dollars worth of computers and tablets and send them to an “IT specialist” to be serviced. If this kind of thing gives you chills, maybe you should become a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). With the right certification, you can have the rewarding feeling that comes with knowing you’re keeping people safe from these attacks.

Save innocent folks from social security scams.


Social security scams are especially awful. Not only are scammers stealing money or information, but they’re also posing as an individual, which means that they can destroy someone’s credit history in a few swift movements. We should all be taking precautions to protect ourselves from this peril, and as a graduate of a CCNA certification program, you will know the fundamentals of what exactly those precautions look like. Save people from the dangers of social security scams as they conduct their normal activities of everyday life, and you’ll be reaping the rewards of your certification in a short time period.

A certification exam may feel daunting, but the truth is that with the right training, you can become CCNA-certified without too much trouble. Moreover, you’ll be enjoying the rewards of helping people stay safe from cyber crime, wherever your CCNA certification takes you.