There are plenty of factors to consider when it’s time to choose where you’ll attend college. From the degree program to the location of the school, you’ll have to think about every decision before you pick a school. If you’re debating where you’ll earn your undergraduate (or graduate) degree, here are three reasons why you should check out Excelsior College.

A Variety of Degree Programs

Your degree program is extremely important. It will determine your future career opportunities as well as what you’ll be learning for the next few years of study. At Excelsior College, you’ll have a variety of programs to choose from. The school offers several areas of study, including Business, Health Sciences, Liberal Arts, Nursing, Public Service, and Technology. No matter what you’re interested in, you can find the perfect program here. If you’re not sure what you’d like to do in the future, go for a Bachelor of Arts or Science in Liberal Arts. With this degree, you can pursue whatever you’re passionate about and you’ll gain knowledge about many different things. Excelsior even offers dual degree tracks. If you’d like to work in cybersecurity, you can earn a B.S. in Information Technology and an M.S. in Cybersecurity. The dual degree track means you’ll earn both degrees in a shorter amount of time than if you did them back to back. The degrees offered by Excelsior College lead to extremely desirable jobs, so your career prospects will be excellent upon graduation. There’s truly something for everyone here.


Flexible, Online Learning

Excelsior is an online institution, so you’ll never attend class in-person. This has enormous benefits to you as a student. With online learning, all the hassle of attending class is eliminated. You won’t have to waste time driving to and from campus (and looking for a parking spot) or use student loans to pay for on-campus housing. Online learning allows you to work at your own pace. This means you can plan learning around your schedule, not the other way around. If you intend to work full-time while earning a degree, you can. If you know you work best late at night or early in the morning, you can start your work then. Digital learning also requires you to grow many skills, such as motivation and time management. You won’t be forced to come to class, so it’s up to you to learn what you need to and do the digital work. This type of flexible, online learning will provide valuable skills while also allowing you to work and learn whenever you like.


Start with Credits

Excelsior College offers a variety of ways to start your degree program with credits. The more credits you start with, the less time the program will take and the more money you’ll save. You can transfer credits from another school. You can earn credits for different training, such as military or criminal justice training. Nursing certifications or health care licenses can give students a jump start on their program. Students can even earn credit for their prior knowledge. Simply complete a portfolio and the college will match your knowledge to material covered in classes, so you can receive credit for classes you don’t need to take. Starting with credits and earning an Excelsior scholarship will be a huge help to the costs of your degree, so don’t overlook this opportunity.


Excelsior College is an incredible school for anyone looking to complete a digital degree. The regionally accredited school allows you to earn a valuable degree while still living your daily life. With a flexible program and the ability to transfer credits, you’ll be graduated before you know it.